A Few Ways To Deter Squash Bugs

Categories : Those Pesky Garden Insects and Critters
If you had problems with Squash Bugs or Borers in the last year or two, this information will be of help. The best way to treat them is by Natural (Organic) methods. I'll list a few of those methods for you. Some methods will work better than others for your specific situation, so if one method doesn't work for you, then you should try a different one. Please, also let us know what has worked well for you.
START YOUR SEED INDOORS - I recommend you start your seeds at least 4 weeks early indoors and then transplant after the last frost. This will provide your squash plants to grow and get larger and more vigorous by the time Squash Bugs and Borers start hatching out. You may even miss most of them by your earlier harvest.
COMPANION PLANTING - This is one of my favorite ways to deter them. In many cases, planting these around and among your squash plants will keep them away. The best plants are:
1) French Marigolds
2) Catnip - Repels everything
3) Dill - Sprinkle chopped up leaves on squash plants
4) Nasturtiums
5) Petunias
EARLY PREVENTION - In late spring and early summer you need to be on the lookout for Squash Bug eggs. They are very small, shiny, copper-colored, and Squash Bugs will lay them on the undersides of the leaves on your squash plants. Check your plants frequently, wipe off eggs, and put them in a bowl of soapy water. This will wipe-out many of them before they hatch and start any damage.
SOME NATURAL SPRAYS/TREATMENT (Give these (4) sprays a try)
1) Basil Spray - Squeeze 2 handfuls of Basil leaves and stems; then place them in a 1-gallon jar and after adding 1 gallon of water,
sit it in the sun for 4 to 8 hours. Strain the liquid thru mesh, add 1/2 teaspoon liquid soap, mix, and you're ready to spray the mixture on your plants.
2) Garlic/Onion Spray - Mix garlic, onion, and water in a 1-gallon jar letting the mixture sit until it smells pretty strong. You are now ready to pour some of the mixture around the base of your plants where the bugs congregate. Make sure to reapply after a rain.
3) Liquid Soap Spray - Mix 1 to 2 Tbsp of Liquid Castile Soap (regular dishwashing soap will also work) with 32 ounces of water. Fill a 32-ounce spray bottle with the mixture, and then spray your affected plants in the mornings under the leaves and around the base of the plants.
4) NEEM Oil Spray - To make 1 quart of Neem Oil Spray (.5%), you will use these ingredients:
1 teaspoon Neem Oil, 1 to 2 ml Castile Soap, and 1 quart of warm water. You can up your dilution % to 1% by using 2 teaspoons of Neem Oil and 2 to 4 ml of Castile soap in 1 quart of warm water. You spray this mixture on your plants every 2 weeks to keep the Squash Bugs away.
DIATOMACEOUS EARTH - This works well if everything else fails, and only use "food grade". Apply a light dusting to the foliage of your squash or zucchini plants in the morning when dew is still on plants. Don't get any on the flowers, and wear a mask so you don't breathe any in.
Here at THE SEED GUY, we have some great deals going on right now and when you order our 60 Variety Heirloom Seed Package, you will also receive an 11 Herb Variety Package inside the package. It contains 32,000+ Heirloom seeds and is fresh from the fall 2023 harvest, is of course Non-GMO, and is priced at just $79!!
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