Bouquet Dill

Bouquet Dill


Package of 400

(Non-GMO Heirloom)

Quantity :
  • Security policySecurity policy - Site has a valid certificate issued by a trusted authority, credit card information is secure.
  • Delivery policyDelivery policy - Current processing time is 5-7 days, order then ships via USPS Priority 1-3 days.
  • Return policyReturn policy - because these are Heirloom seeds, no returns will be allowed and all orders are final.

Hardiness Zone:  8-11

Days Maturity:  50-60

Planting Depth:  1/8"

Plant Spacing:  10-12"

Days to Germination:  7-21

Planting Instructions:

Botanical Name: Nepeta cataria

Specific References

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Bouquet Dill
Bouquet Dill